Solea Laser Dentistry

Drill free laser dentistry in Childesburg

Laser technology continues to create new possibilities in healthcare, including many cosmetic enhancements. In dentistry, lasers simplify many surgical procedures and lead to more comfortable treatment and more predictable outcomes. But hard tissue lasers take your care one step further, eliminating anxiety-producing aspects of dental care for many patients.

Many dentists cater to patients that get nervous and don’t like needles. we have a seen a lot of patients who did not get the care they needed due to anxiousness and dislike towards drill and needles. With a lot of investigation we invested in Solea hard and soft tissue laser. this is the most advanced co2 laser available in market which could be used for hard and soft tissue. This new technology has helped a lot of anxious patients get the care they needed with out the need of needles.

Benefits of choosing laser Dentistry:

Prime smile motto is minimally invasive dentistry and Solea laser helps us to achieve.

  • More of the natural tooth structure is preserved.
  • Reduces the need for needles or anesthesia.
  • No lasting numbness or stitches.
  • Minimizes the need for medications.
  • Needle free, noise free and pain free visits.
  • Quicker healing times.
  • Gum contouring could be done to enhance the aesthetic look.
  • Frenectomy / tongue tie, lip tie could be relieved very easily.

If you are worried about dark pigmentation of your gums Solea laser offers a less invasive solution.

Procedures that lasers can help with:

  • Removing dental decay and old composite fillings
  • Creating ultra-conservative, microscopic fillings
  • Smile design
  • Desensitizing teeth
  • Sterilizing infected root canals
  • Bone shaping and crown lengthening
  • Aphthous ulcer treatment
  • Apicoectomy
  • Periodontal (gum) treatment
  • Assisting oral surgery (often for removing teeth or placing implants)

Undoubtedly, lasers are the “wave of the future.”

Gentle, Quiet Care

Hard tissue lasers elevate dental treatment to a new level. Teeth contain water, and laser energy contacting a tooth excites the water molecules to help gently trim away tooth structure. Often a continuous stream of water keeps the tooth cool, virtually eliminating sensation. And the quiet operation of the laser handpiece offers a pleasant respite from the sound of a dental drill.


A hard tissue laser's precise operation allows less of your tooth to be removed to access an area damaged by a cavity. And without the vibration of a conventional metal drill, fewer stress cracks develop in the tooth. Your tooth remains stronger with less filling material needed to return it to full function. Better yet, no anesthetic is needed for many procedures involving the small laser handpiece!

Ultimate Convenience

Since teeth rarely need numbing before laser treatment, multiple cavities can often be restored in one visit. Instead of worrying about numb lips and return visits, laser dentistry streamlines your care and gets you back to your daily routine in no time. Adults and children benefit from treatment that leaves their mouths feeling perfectly normal right after treatment!

The benefits of laser treatment extend well beyond cavities, providing a valuable method of treating gum disease, root canals, and problem areas around implants. Many other surgical treatments can be simplified, often eliminating the need for stitches and reducing otherwise lengthy healing periods. We look forward to introducing you to the comfortable, convenient and precise possibilities of hard tissue laser treatment at Prime Smile Dental Care!

Soft Tissue Laser

Laser technology continues to transform many procedures in healthcare. Once the subject of sci-fi movies, lasers now clearly provide benefits for mainstream treatment in medicine and dentistry. Shorter procedures, less discomfort, and quicker healing are just a few of the benefits of modern lasers.

The soft tissues of the mouth cover about 30 square inches of surface area. Annoying lumps or bumps may need removal with any unusual patches of tissue requiring further microscopic analysis. Traditionally, a surgical procedure involving incisions and sutures would be required to produce a biopsy sample. Today, a pen-shaped wand allows Dr. Prabha to remove suspicious or bothersome bumps in a couple of minutes. The healing stimulated by laser energy leads to rapid healing and little to no discomfort, without the need for stitches.

Similarly, gums can be quickly reshaped without bleeding, and some gum infections are now treated with rapid results. Even cold sores or mouth ulcers can undergo faster healing when laser energy passes over the surface. Better yet, the days of pain associated with these recurring ulcers can be dramatically decreased. Lasers are also safe for use with children and can help with growth and development issues or help wisdom teeth move into place.

A soft tissue laser offers a valuable benefit to many conditions in the mouth. Dr. Prabha's specific training in laser protocols opens many possibilities using one of modern dentistry's most versatile tools.